FAD recently caught up with Anna Wilde head of Sustainability at NA-KD to find out about all the changes and processes being implemented to help them achieve their climate goals.
You have very impressive sustainability goals for 2025 but what are you planning to do in 2022 to start making a difference immediately?
At NA-KD we are already actively doing things that make a difference. In 2021, we launched NA-KD Circle, a fully integrated marketplace to sell and buy NA-KD preloved fashion. In 2022 we will continue to grow and scale this part of our business, enabling more customers to consume fashion more sustainably. Among other things by including NA-KD Circle in our newly launched app. We will also continue our journey with more sustainable materials such as organic and recycled materials, and materials made with less impact production processes. In 2021 we increased our share of more sustainable products to 63%, up from 19% in 2020. The materials we choose for our products have the greatest climate impact, the second biggest impact is from the manufacturing and the energy used for production. Therefore, we are happy that our Climate Action Manager starts in January 2022 and will focus on finding ways to support our supply chain partners to transition to green energy, in collaboration with our industry peers.
Can you tell us more about Circle
NA-KD has extremely ambitious goals in sustainability and invests a great deal of time and money in becoming the leader in the field in our industry. Circle is a good example of where we have invested in building a fully integrated circular marketplace with a focus on customer experience and simplicity for both buyers and sellers of second-hand garments. We have several different models and will continue to develop the platform based on our customers’ feedback. Since we already have all product data and images on the garments, sellers only need to confirm the condition of the item and then send the garment away, otherwise we take care of all the work for them.
Should people get used to a less affordable less frequent purchase lifestyle?
Many point to fast fashion as being the problem. It is not fast and fashion in itself that is the problem. It is how we use the Earth’s resources. We need to keep the resources we pull from Earth in a closed loop system, and ensure that the virgin resources refilling that loop are from more sustainable sources and produced with as low environmental impact as possible. We are not there today. Not even close. But we are working to get there together in the industry. Fashion is used by people to express themselves, to feel confident, to show diversity. These are aspects of fashion that are important to keep!
If you could only buy one outfit from NA-KD for the new year what would it be?
Something from NA-KD Circle of course.