Hyundai Motor Company has announced the Hyundai Blue Prize+ 2025 open call, welcoming exhibition proposals for Hyundai Motorstudio Beijing from emerging curators worldwide engaged with the context of Asia.
Established as a laboratory for the evolving role of curators, Hyundai Blue Prize+ invites curators to explore the most pressing contemporary issues, in connection with the contexts of Asia, by pursuing boundless perspectives. In today’s ever-changing landscape, curators play a crucial role in examining contemporary cultural, sociopolitical, and technological transformations, fostering interdisciplinary dialogue, and shaping critical discourse.
Initiated in 2017 by Hyundai Motor, Hyundai Blue Prize has previously supported emerging curators through Hyundai Blue Prize Art + Tech in China and Hyundai Blue Prize Design in Korea. In 2025, the initiative evolves into Hyundai Blue Prize+, expanding its scope to transcend boundaries, cultivate interdisciplinary research, and foster transcultural conversations.

“As curatorial practices evolve to reflect contemporary shifts, Hyundai Blue Prize+ serves as a laboratory for curators to challenge conventions and embrace diverse perspectives . We look forward to witnessing how emerging curators address critical issues and broaden meaningful dialogues across disciplines and communities.”
DooEun Choi, Art Director of Hyundai Motor Company
Hyundai Blue Prize+ 2025 will be led by an international jury panel including Jochen Eisenbrand, Chief Curator, Vitra Design Museum (Weil am Rhein); Carol K. Huh, Associate Curator of Contemporary Asian Art, National Museum of Asian Art, Smithsonian Institution (Washington, D.C.); Frances Morris, former Director of Tate Modern (London) and Distinguished Visiting Professor, Ewha Womans University (Seoul); Christiane Paul, Curator of Digital Art, Whitney Museum of American Art (New York); and Philip Tinari, Director, UCCA Center for Contemporary Art (Beijing).
Applicants will need to submit a curatorial statement outlining the exhibition, a proposed list of artworks, a preliminary exhibition design, a budget plan, as well as a framework for public programs linked to the exhibition. The proposed exhibition should be designed for the gallery space on the second floor of Hyundai Motorstudio Beijing with the consideration of the exhibition being presented for at least 5-6 months.
Applications are open to individual curators or curatorial collectives, and the application deadline is June 8th, 2025.
Following the open call, five curators or curatorial collectives will be selected as shortlisted finalists and will each receive one-on-one mentorship with the members of the jury panel, a research tour in China, and a 4,000 USD grant to develop a final exhibition proposal. Two final awardees from this shortlist will present their exhibition at Hyundai Motorstudio Beijing with up to 800,000 RMB (approximately 110,000 USD) for exhibition production and implementation, as well as additional support for on-site operations and exhibition marketing and communications.
For more information about Hyundai Blue Prize+ 2025 details on how to apply & eligibility requirements, visit: Hyundai Blue Prize+ website