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Things to know before buying and selling diamond jewellery from a Jeweller

Things to know before buying and selling diamond jewellery from a Jeweller

‘Diamonds are forever’ is the timeless advertising slogan developed for De Beers by copywriter, Mary Frances Gerety, in 1947.

Rather than a cynical bit of marketing, what Gerety had done was to tap into our collective consciousness to create something that resonated the world over. After all, who doesn’t want to have a collection of sparklers they can call their own?

Yet, as well as knowing how to buy diamond jewellery, knowing where to sell diamond jewellery in the UK is just as important.

Is it good to buy diamond jewellery?

The only answer to ‘Is diamond jewellery worth buying?’ is a massive yes! There are few other things that offer such a solid return on investment and hold their value, while giving delight and pleasure in the process of owning. 

Want to buy diamond jewellery? Here’s our top tips 

There are many places to buy gold and diamond jewellery online, but buying from a reputable jeweller is key when deciding on where to spend your money.

Access a world of beautiful pieces

Jewellery stores that buy diamonds will have stunning collections for you to choose from. Not only can you browse from iconic brands, like Cartier and Boodles, but you can also speak to a jewellery expert about what you want.


Provenance is the key to everything when you’re ready to buy diamond jewellery. A good jeweller will be able to provide you with the documentation associated with the pieces that you’re looking to buy. This might include the sales documentation from previous sales and the certification of authenticity to show you’ve got the real deal.

Sound pricing

When buying diamond jewellery, how can you know if you’re paying the right piece for the diamond of your dreams? When it comes to buying real diamond jewellery online, shopping with a jeweller means that you can count on a price that is based on current industry figures and auction prices.

Is buying diamond jewellery a good investment?

One of the greatest aspects of buying diamond jewellery lies in the fact that you can sell if or when you ever need to. There are several routes to sale and the price that you get can depends on who you choose to sell it to. This is also true of how you want to sell it. Auction houses regularly sell jewellery, but it can be a lengthy process which means you have to wait for a few months for payment.

Selling diamond jewellery to a jeweller can be a fast and trusted way of releasing the value of your pieces. Let’s find out how that works…

Sell Diamond Jewellery in London

As you might expect, selling diamond jewellery in London has a lot of options on offer – from jewellers to pawnbrokers. With pawnbroking, you will be able to get your piece back. However, if you’re ready to let go, finding a trusted jeweller to give you a valuation has to be your first step.

Jewellers are always seeking to buy gold and diamond jewellery that has been preowned. It is a product that holds its value and offers excellent opportunities for reselling. Also, most jewellers cherish the beautiful pieces that they work with, so buying pre owned jewellery means they might just find something extra special from Tiffany, Cartier, De Beers or Van Cleef and Arpels.

How to sell diamond jewellery in two simple steps

1.      Find a trusted jeweller

A reliable and reputable jeweller to value your diamond jewellery. A jeweller’s valuation will take all elements of the piece into account, from the brand to the metal used, the size, number and quality of the diamonds. Jewellers will also review the piece’s paperwork and assess similar pieces’ performance at recent auction. If you have the original brand box, you could get a higher valuation for your diamond jewellery. You will also be able to have diamond jewellery valued even if you don’t have the certificate. 

2.      Choose your diamond jewellery selling option

The best place to sell diamond jewellery is usually with a jeweller that offers a couple of selling options. Selling options usually include direct selling or selling by consignment. Direct selling lets you sell your diamond jewellery to a jeweller in exchange for money, at the price of the accepted valuation. 

Consigning diamond jewellery means that you ask a jeweller to manage the sale of your jewellery. This means that you are the legal owner of your diamond jewellery until the jeweller finds a buyer for your piece. Typically, a commission is deducted from the sale and the remainder of the value is released to you. 

Buying and selling diamond jewellery in the UK

Working with a jeweller means that you will be able to use their knowledge and industry expertise to help you buy delicious diamond jewellery – or to release your investment if you’re ready to let your diamonds go. 



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