FAD Magazine

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Future of Life Institute Announces $50,000 Contest to Illustrate Superintelligence Risks

The Future of Life Institute has just launched an exciting new contest for creative, educational materials about superintelligent AI – and how it may threaten humanity.

You can now buy Boston Dynamics's four legged Spot robot
Boston Dynamics’s four legged Spot robot

Despite the profound risks this may pose to society, profit-driven Big Tech companies are blindly racing ahead to build AI systems that outperform humans at almost all tasks. FLI’s “Superintelligence Imagined” contest invites entrants to help inform the public in creative ways about the nature of such systems, and the possible implications for our society, economy, and existence.

“It’s crucial that the public – who are increasingly put at risk by Big Tech’s out-of-control race to develop this technology – understand what superintelligent AI could mean. Creative approaches and art are powerful tools for education here,” said FLI Executive Director and contest judge Anthony Aguirre.

With five $10,000 prizes available for the best materials, FLI is looking for “bold, ambitious, creative, and informative” submissions with the potential to reach large audiences. Any textual, visual, auditory, or spatial medium is welcome, and creatives are welcome to submit their work as an individual or part of a team.

Learn more about the Superintelligence Imagined contest at futureoflife.org/super-imagine.

*Applications are due August 31st, with winners announced in October.


Founded in 2014, the Future of Life Institute is a leading nonprofit working to steer transformative technology towards benefitting humanity. FLI is best known for their 2023 open letter calling for a six-month pause on advanced AI development, endorsed by experts such as Yoshua Bengio and Stuart Russell, as well as their work on the Asilomar AI Principles and recent EU AI Act.



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