FAD Magazine

FAD Magazine covers contemporary art – News, Exhibitions and Interviews reported on from London

Dance and Theater Gold: Meet Choreographer Xi CHEN

In June 2024, London witnessed the UK premiere of “Echoes of Time,” an evocative dance work by celebrated choreographer Xi CHEN. Chinese traditional culture with contemporary dance, this piece found new resonance within the ethereal setting of a church, presented as part of the UK’s Wandsworth Arts Fringe Festival, coinciding with the Dragon Boat Festival. Originating from China, the performance’s universal themes underscore the notion that art transcends borders, embodying the shared wealth of human culture and civilization. 

Xi CHEN, a renowned Chinese dance artist with extensive experience in both Chinese and UK dance stages, conceived “Echoes of Time” to transcend the conventions of traditional Chinese dance. The performance represents a significant innovation in Chinese dance choreography on the global stage, featuring dancers in modernized white gauze wide-sleeved costumes. These contemporary interpretations of traditional Chinese dance make the choreography accessible and universally comprehensible.

The transition from a controlled theatre environment in China to the sacred space of a UK church introduced new layers of complexity to the performance. In grand theatre settings, the emphasis was on spatial arrangements, while the church setting focused on the intricate textures of bodily movements. The church’s unique acoustics and architecture added a spiritual dimension, with the play of light and shadow enhancing the visual experience. This venue choice symbolizes the merging of cultures, deepening the thematic resonance of the work.

Dedicated to fostering cultural understanding, Xi CHEN believes that all forms of artistic expression have the power to enhance human connection. By staging a Chinese-style dance performance within a UK religious space, she highlights the potential for cross-cultural dialogue and understanding. The work underscores the importance of preserving cultural traditions while embracing new influences, conveying a message of unity and mutual respect that transcends cultural boundaries. Art belongs to all of humanity.

The performance’s interaction between the dancers and the live audience was particularly striking. Dancers stepped down from the altar, moved through the congregation, and performed up close with the audience, creating an intimate experience within the church. This setting allowed for close proximity, fostering an immersive experience. Audience reactions, ranging from audible gasps to spontaneous applause and shouts of “more time,” reflected the performance’s emotional depth and personal res onance, fostering a profound connection between the performers and viewers.

Despite minor challenges related to acoustics and visibility in the church setting, critics and audience members alike praised “Echoes of Time” for its innovative choreography and cultural significance. With extensive experience in directing large-scale stage productions in China, Xi CHEN is skilled in handling grand theater settings and numerous dancers. However, transitioning to a smaller performance venue and an international stage required her to shift her focus. She concentrated on working with fewer dancers and enhancing the subtleties of their physical expressions. In a British church, dancers in traditional Chinese attire performing contemporary dance exceeded the audience’s expectations. Despite the cultural elements in its themes, this performance represents an essential path for the development of contemporary Chinese dance and showcases Xi CHEN’s unique style.

We are fortunate to witness young choreographers consistently pushing the boundaries in the dance world. Their works, rich with personal style and choreographic expertise, gaining widespread attention, are   a vital aspect of cultural growth. Ultimately, “Echoes of Time” reaffirms that art, at its core, belongs to all of humanity. Dance art will develop further through the choreographers continuous exploration. 



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