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Two new trustees appointed to the Royal Academy Trust.

The Royal Academy of Arts announced today that Lisa Reuben and Bianca Roden have been
appointed as Trustees of the Royal Academy Trust.

RA Lates: The Summer Circus
RA Lates: The Summer Circus

Batia Ofer, Chair of the Royal Academy Trust said:

I am delighted at the appointments of Lisa Reuben and Bianca Roden as Trustees. With their breadth of experience in philanthropy, and their passion for the arts, they will make great additions to our Board.

Lisa Reuben and Bianca Roden join the RA’s current Trustees: Batia Ofer (Chair), Sally Tennant (Vice-Chair), Ms Clara Amfo, Mr Stefan Bollinger, Mr Aryeh Bourkoff, Ms Melanie Clore, Mr Pesh Framjee, Mr Clive Humby OBE, Dame Vivian Hunt, Ms Nicole Junkermann, Dame Carolyn McCall, Mr Scott Mead, Ms Siobhán Moriarty, Mr Paulo Pereira, Mr Robbie Robinson, Mrs Ina Sandmann, Ms Katy Wickremesinghe and The Hon William Yerburgh.

Lisa Reuben

Former specialist in the Contemporary Arts department at Sotheby’s London, Lisa has continued to focus her work in the art sector in various capacities, most significantly, building an art collection on behalf of the Reuben Brothers, focusing primarily on Modern and Post – War Contemporary Art.

Lisa is a Trustee of the Reuben Foundation, a charitable trust that supports education and healthcare primarily in England. In her role, Lisa developed the Reuben Scholarship Programme, which provides underprivileged students full bursaries to Oxford and Cambridge as well as top Russell Group universities. Lisa also founded the Reuben Scholar Alumni Programme which facilitates networking amongst former students and assists scholars in attaining internships in their various fields of academia.

There are over 1,300 Reuben Scholars to date. Lisa’s philanthropic work also extends to healthcare where she works very closely with Chelsea & Westminster Hospital as well as Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital, chairing the Big Hearts for Little People Committee which has raised over £2m in the last five years. Lisa sits on the advisory board of Reuben College, Oxford University’s 39th college. She also serves on the Sotheby’s International Council.

Bianca Roden

Bianca studied speech sciences at UCL, qualifying as a speech and language therapist. She worked in this field on and off through raising four children and developed an interest in art and collecting as the children grew up. She has since become passionate about supporting living artists.

Bianca runs Xenia Creative Retreat in North Hampshire, a residency programme which to date has hosted 54 artists since October 2020. Bianca is a Trustee of Horatio’s Garden and sits on the Board of Trustees for the Contemporary Art Society and the Weizmann Science Institute. She also sits on the Hayward Gallery Commissioning Committee for Southbank Outdoor Sculpture.

About the Royal Academy Trust
The objects of the Royal Academy Trust are ‘the maintenance, development, advancement and preservation of the Royal Academy of Arts’. The Trust operates as a separate charity to the Royal
Academy of Arts.



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