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Last Chance: The third edition of StillShow.

Your last chance to view the third edition of StillShow presented by StillLife on view until May 12th, 2024, at 54 Crosby Street in SoHo, New York City.

Sizhu Li, Pushing Hands, at StillShow by Stilllife, 2024

“Can Thought Go On Without A Body?” is a group show that illuminates artificial intelligence’s dissipation of human subjectivities, bringing together artists who collectively engage with the themes of retrospection and introspection as a response to the displacement of humanity in the AI era. It provides a contemplative space to reflect on human identity, and invites viewers to consider what remains uniquely human in a rapidly evolving technological landscape.

Installation views of “Can Thought Go On Without A Body” at StillShow by Stilllife, New York City, 2024. May 4 – May 12, 2024 Tianqi Liao Stilllife

Taking over the entire four-level building at 54 Crosby Street, the show features a group of 20 emerging artists, most based in New York City and born in the 1990s or later, each with a unique approach to contemporary art. Their practices span a range of mediums—French, Japanese, and American artist Naoki Sutter-Shudo (b.1990) explores dichotomies of East and West, nature and artifice, systems and irrationality with carefully constructed objects and shrewd conceptual flourishes; Chinese artist Xingzi Gu’s (b.1996) magnetic colors blur Eastern and Western painting techniques to highlight a deeply intimate and relational space.; Lorenzo Amos (b. 2002) offers a fresh perspective on American iconography through his oil paintings inspired by New York; while Ren Light Pan (b.1991) incorporates her background in video art to queer the ink medium with intimately vulnerable works on canvas.

Installation views of “Can Thought Go On Without A Body” at StillShow by Stilllife, New York City, 2024. May 4 – May 12, 2024. Photo: Tianqi Liao, 2024.

Two debut solo presentations of emerging artists Sihan Guo (b.2000) and Dexter Vandersall (b.1999) unfold on the third floor. Sizhu Li (b.1990) is a New York-based kinetic installation artist of Chinese descent, debuts the longest edition of the artist’s signature.

StillShow is a signature event hosted by Stilllife in New York (May) and Shanghai (November) as a
satellite show during major art weeks in both cities. Founded in 2022, Stilllife is a next-generational
hybrid art hub bridging the East and West cultural scenes. As a community-led global art initiative,
StillShow showcases exceptional works by emerging artists and aims to shape the future art world. It
fosters connections among artists, galleries, and the public across cultures, integrating disciplines like
fashion, culinary arts, and broader cultural elements, with fine art at its core.

Installation views of “Can Thought Go On Without A Body” at StillShow by Stilllife, New York City, 2024. May 4 – May 12, 2024. Photo: Tianqi Liao, 2024.

Exhibiting Artists: Lorenzo Amos (b. 2002), Stephen Deffet (b. 1993), Rafael Domenech (b. 1989), Alice Gong Xiaowen (b. 1994), Xingzi Gu (b. 1996), Sihan Guo (b. 2000), Yasmine Anlan Huang (b. 1996), Sizhu Li (b. 1990), Xinyi Liu (b. 1993), Naomi Nakazato (b. 1992), Shinoh Nam (b. 1993), Ren Light Pan (b. 1991), Em Rooney (b. 1983), Abed Elmajid Shalabi (b. 1991), Tianyi Sun (b. 1996), Naoki Sutter Shudo (b. 1990) Dexter Vandersall (b. 1999), Eric Veit (b. 1991), Yi Chengtao (b. 1991), Meng Zhou (b. 1992)

StillShow by Stilllife“Can Thought Go On Without a Body” – May 12th 2024, 54 Crosby St, New York, NY 10012

The next edition of StillShow by Stilllife is scheduled to open in November, in Shanghai, China.


Stilllife founded in 2022 by four Gen-Z art professionals bridging the East and West, Stilllife is a hybrid art
community for the next-generation through blending a curated art show, an artist market, a storytelling
newsletter and collaborative programming. Stilllife co-founders: Azure Qi Zhou, Jeffrey Ziyu Liu, Katerina Chenyu Wang, and Shuyang Gao Creative direction: Theingi Thann, Sihan Guo, Simon Zurui Chen, and Rebecca Yinan Chen.



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