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Best CBD Affiliate Programs

Cannabidiol, also known as CBD, is a cannabis compound with a variety of medical benefits. While THC leaves the user feeling tired or “stoned”, CBD offers these benefits without that feeling. Usually, CBD is formulated in an oil version, it can also be sold as an extract, vaporized liquid, or oil-based capsule.

Some of the benefits that CBD users are claiming to experience include the following:

  • Insomnia
  • Pain relief
  • Anxiety
  • Acne
  • Epilepsy

Experts say that they expect the CBD industry to grow to $24 billion by 2023. The affiliate programs through these CBD companies are just getting started but are growing in leaps and bounds. This means that affiliate marketers are sitting on a goldmine.

In this article, we’re going to explain how you can get started as a CBD affiliate, as well as review 3 of the best CBD affiliate programs out there right now. We hope to help you get a piece

of the CBD market pie. This could very well help you make the extra money you’re looking for without a whole lot of extra effort.

Getting Started as a CBD Affiliate

So, how do you get started as a CBD affiliate? Follow the steps and you’ll be well on your way.

  • Start by reading the reviews we have here of XWERKS, CBDPure, and Populum. Each one pays a different amount, so choose the one that best fits what you’re looking for.
  • Next, click through each website to sign up as an affiliate.
  • Once the company has accepted you into their CBD affiliate program, you’ll be granted access to a variety of affiliate tools, such as banners, unique links, and more.
  • Finally, start to promote your links and banners on your social media posts, website, blog, and anywhere else you have an audience.
  • Sit back and watch the money start rolling in. This is a great way to bring in some extra income.

Making Money Online with CBD Affiliate Programs

In general, affiliate programs are becoming the preferred way for bloggers to make extra money. While it’s possible to make money through ads on your pages, many of the ads actually have the opposite effect- scaring readers off. Plus, they can make your website lag and laden with spam.

Therefore, affiliate programs are the best way for most bloggers to make money. When a reader clicks on your affiliate link, they are directed to the manufacturer’s site. If they make a purchase, you are paid a percentage of the purchases they make.

Since CBD products are so popular, a CBD affiliate program is a great way to make some extra money. However, how can you do this? Below are the steps to using a CBD affiliate program:

Determine How CBD Fits into Your Niche

The very first thing you must do to use a CBD affiliate program to make money is to determine how CBD fits into your niche. Honestly, every blogger can work CBD into their niche. Some will have an easier time than others and some will find it quite challenging- but no matter what, it can be done.

Yes, it’s true that any niche can work with CBD. If you’re a wellness blogger that regularly talks about supplements, you can see where it would be easy to work in a few posts about CBD. If you’re in an industry such as tech, it may be harder- but it can be done. You just need to take the time to figure out what works for your personal brand to talk about CBD and go with it.

Create the Right Content

As a blogger or website owner, you know that there are lots of different content types that you can incorporate into your blog or website. You must determine what would work best for you as a CBD affiliate. Some of the most common content styles include:

Product Reviews

As a CBD affiliate, product reviews are great. After all, in product reviews, it’s almost expected to see some affiliate links, so they’re easy to naturally add in. You can point your readers to the CBD companies that you love and give them some tips/tricks about your favorite ways to use CBD products. Plus, product reviews are pretty much timeless, so you will most likely continue to get traffic on them for a long time after you write them.

CBD Stories

Another way you can put the spotlight on CBD on your blog/website is to tell stories about how CBD has impacted your life- or the lives of your loved ones. For example, you may want to consider writing a post about the first time you took CBD before a workout. Or, you may wish to write a post about how you were able to find the perfect dosage for your personal situation or how the various CBD products have helped you (oils, creams, capsules, edibles, etc).

Blog Posts

You want your content to feel natural, not forced. Therefore, if neither of these feel like they mesh with your personal style, you can also write blog posts and find a way to link them with CBD. For example, if your blog is about movies, you could put together a collection of movies that talk about CBD. In this case, you would just link to your CBD affiliate program at the beginning of the post. While it’s more superficial, it does work with just about any niche.

Learn about the Program’s Requirements

As an affiliate, there are certain requirements that you must follow based on the company itself, as well as legally. When you visit each website and read about their program, you’ll find out about the company’s requirements. In order to make sure you’re sticking to them, you may want to quickly review them each time you make a post.  

It’s also critical that you make sure you’re following legal requirements as well. The FDA enforces them for the company you’re affiliated with- and also for you. If you break the legal requirements by doing something such as promising that CBD can treat/cure a certain condition, you will most likely lose your affiliate status with the company.

Sign Up for a Quality CBD Program

One thing to keep in mind is this: it’s important to choose a CBD company that you believe in. You don’t want to send your readers to a company just because they are paying you to promote their products. You want their products to be quality products that you can stand behind. After all, if you send your readers to a company that you don’t believe in or that doesn’t sell quality products, you could end up losing the trust of your readers and that is something you don’t want to do.

As you can see, a CBD affiliate program is a great way to bring in some extra passive income. Once you post your link, there’s not really any work involved in keeping up that link. However, you must make sure that you’re signing up for a quality program, such as one of the three that we have listed here. This way, you sound like you use and believe in the products instead of sounding like a salesman.

3 Best CBD Affiliate Programs

Now, we’re going to review what we believe to be the 3 best CBD affiliate programs out there.

  • CBDPure
  • Populum

XWERKS Affiliate Program

The XWERKS Affiliate Program brings your visitors/readers to xwerks.com. This is an online retailer of sports nutrition products. By purchasing products from xwerks.com, your visitors are able to achieve their fitness goals quickly and easily. You could market XWERKS CBD products to readers in your audience that are interested in getting started on a fitness journey or enhancing their current journey.

As an XWERKS affiliate, you’ll be paid a 30% commission on sales from your link. On average, each order from their site is around $100. This means you could make an average of $30 per sale. Most XWERKS affiliates have a 10% conversion rate, which means around 10% of those who click your links end up making a purchase.  

Sign Up Here

CBDPure Affiliate Program

The second affiliate program on our list is CBDPure. This company is a leading provider of CBD oil. Their products are made with pure CBD extract and hemp oil and are exactly what discriminating customers are looking for.

As a CBDPure affiliate, you’ll be paid a 40% commission per sale- which is among the highest payouts in the industry. Payments are sent out once a month. CBDPure understands that your success equals their success. This is why they are always testing their design/messaging to increase your commissions.

Since CBDPure offers a 90-day guarantee on their products, you’ll have no issues converting your visitors into customers.

Sign Up Here

Populum Affiliate Program

The final CBD affiliate program on our list is from Populum. This company sells CBD products that cover health, including:

  • Supplements
  • Accessories
  • Skincare
  • Pet care

As a CBD affiliate with Populum, you will make a 16% commission per sale. In addition, Populum offers performance-based incentives, as well as a hands-on approach to support your success as an affiliate. This company is focused on quality, which makes it one of the popular CBD brands on the market today.

Sign Up Here

FAQs about CBD Affiliate Programs

As always, when you’re just getting started in something, there are bound to be some questions that come up. Below are some of the frequently asked questions about CBD affiliate programs.

What is a CBD affiliate program?

A CBD affiliate program allows you to earn income by promoting CBD products- that is, oils, edibles, creams, etc- to your audience. When they make a purchase, you will earn a percentage of that sale. You’ll find that some companies pay more than others- so make sure that you do your due diligence and find the best one before you make your decision.

What is the best CBD affiliate program?

When you start doing your research, you’ll find that almost every CBD company offers an affiliate program. However, they are not all created equally. We believe that we have found the 3 best CBD affiliate programs. Consider visiting these websites and learning more about each of them to determine which one fits you best.

  • CBDPure
  • Populum

How do you become a CBD affiliate?

The process of becoming a CBD affiliate is actually fairly easy. Simply follow these steps:

  • Research the various CBD companies and choose the one you’d like to promote.
  • Sign up on that company’s website to be an affiliate.
  • Once they approve you, simply use the tools provided to promote their products and track your sales.
  • Start using your affiliate links to send your audience to their platform to earn a commission on every sale.

An affiliate program is a great way to earn passive income. You simply post your links and since the content is popular, you’re sure to earn income off the same link for some time.

Is the CBD business truly profitable?

Absolutely! CBD products are becoming more and more popular as a way for individuals to naturally treat their ailments. In the past, people would go to their physicians and get medication to treat things like anxiety, insomnia, etc. However, more people are moving to a more natural way to deal with these things and CBD has been proven to help. It is believed that the industry will grow to $24 million by 2023.

How can you avoid CBD affiliate program scams?

Unfortunately, scammers can be found in everything- and CBD affiliate programs are no different. You must be cautious of the companies that are new to the industry- especially if they have an in-house affiliate program. Many companies will create a program, with zero intention of paying out. The best way to avoid these scams is to stick with trusted affiliate networks that require/validate deposits.


The CBD industry is growing by leaps and bounds. By the year 2023, the market share will be over $24 million. Don’t you want to get in on this now before the market is saturated with affiliates? Check out these three programs to get started on your journey to becoming a CBD affiliate. 



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