CBD cannabis for sex and to fight schizophrenia
It is now known that CBD oil is used as an antipsychotic … but how does CBD oil and derivates can also help your sexual well-being? We are telling you more about the many unknown CBD oil benefits.
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Can I use CBD cannabis as an antipsychotic?
It is one of the possible potentials of the substance that, in recent years, has been at the centre of studies by researchers around the world, who are analyzing its beneficial effects in the treatment of various diseases. Among these is also schizophrenia, against which cannabidiol (CBD), the non-psychoactive compound of cannabis, seems to prove effective.
- The first studies
The first study on the subject dates back to 2012, published by the Translational Psychiatry journal. Then, a group of researchers compared CBD and amisulpride, a potent antipsychotic traditionally used to treat schizophrenia. It was a double-blind, randomized clinical trial: the patients, divided into two groups, were treated with cannabidiol or amisulpride.
The results showed significant clinical improvements in both cases, demonstrating that CBD was not inferior to the traditional antipsychotic in treating acute schizophrenia.
These results – concluded by the researchers – suggest that cannabidiol is as effective in improving psychotic symptoms as the standard antipsychotic amisulpride.
The study also pointed out that cannabidiol was associated with fewer side effects and better tolerability. Thus, the researchers concluded that CBD exerts clinically relevant antipsychotic effects associated with marked tolerability and safety compared to current drugs.
Subsequently, in 2014, another study published in the journal Neuropsychopharmacology , returned to analyze the potential of CBD as an antipsychotic.
To do this, Dutch and British researchers considered 66 previous studies that dealt with the relationship between cannabidiol and psychosis. The cannabis compound, the scientists concluded, “may have antipsychotic properties”, offering several advantages over traditional drugs, including the absence of noticeable side effects. Indeed, “evidence from different research domains suggests that CBD shows potential for antipsychotic treatment.”
- The latest tests
Also, in 2018, some scholars carried out research published in The American Journal of Psychiatry, which considered 88 patients with schizophrenia who were given CBD or a placebo for six weeks, in addition to the traditional antipsychotic drug. Scientists evaluated symptoms and cognitive performance before and after treatment.
The results showed that, after six weeks, “the CBD group had lower levels of psychotic symptoms ” compared to patients who were given a placebo. Not only. “The patients who received CBD – concluded the scholars – also showed improvements in cognitive performance and general conditions”. Furthermore, the CBD was well tolerated.
These studies demonstrate the potential of medical cannabis (particularly cannabidiol) in treating symptoms related to schizophrenia, making CBD a new possible antipsychotic drug. A possibility that will have to be confirmed by recent and further studies.
CBD cannabis and sexual well-being
Several studies have demonstrated the potential of medical cannabis to combat the symptoms of various diseases, from chronic pain to spasticity associated with multiple sclerosis to the lack of appetite.
The effectiveness of the substance is linked to the presence, in our body, of the endocannabinoid system, which regulates many biological functions of our body: appetite, pain, mood, memory, movement and reproduction.
For this reason, cannabis could also be helpful in the treatment of gynaecological diseases and, more generally, in sexual well-being.
- Gynaecological pathologies
The gynaecological diseases affect women, who are often forced to change their daily lifestyle related to the sexual sphere. To solve these problems or alleviate their symptoms, various strategies can be used that involve drugs and physiotherapy.
One possibility can also be represented by cannabinoid therapy which, thanks to their relaxing, anti-inflammatory and antidepressant effect, allow the treatment of some symptoms related to gynaecological diseases, such as dysmenorrhea (or painful menstrual cycle), endometriosis, premenstrual syndrome, vaginitis and vulvodynia.
In the case of dysmenorrhea, cannabis can help relieve pain and improve the quality of sleep and mood.
At the same time, in endometriosis, the substance can control pain, muscle tension, and inflammation.
In the case of vaginitis, on the other hand, traditional therapy could be accompanied by-products based on CBD (or CBD and THC), able to act as a soothing or anti-inflammatory. At the same time, with vulvodynia, the use of cannabis can create physical relaxation and mental.
Regarding PMS, on the other hand, a treatment based on medical cannabis with a balanced ratio of CBD and THC can improve symptoms and better mood stability.
The beneficial effects of cannabis vary from person to person, as does the tolerance to the substance.
Cannabis and sexuality
In addition to treating the symptoms of gynaecological diseases, cannabis can also help improve the sexual well-being of the individual and the couple. For example, thanks to the ability to relax the body and relieve pain and anxiety, cannabinoids could effectively avoid muscle stiffness and anxiety in intercourse in case of pain due to certain diseases.
A 2012 meta-analysis, published in the American Journal: Men’s Health, had highlighted some therapeutic potential of cannabis from the point of view of sexual well-being.
The article, which investigated the relationship between the drug and erectile dysfunction in men, highlighted the effectiveness of cannabis in cases of depression, anxiety and pain.
The researchers argued that cannabis could improve sexual function in some patients suffering from conditions or symptoms such as depression, anxiety disorder, and pain, demonstrating the potential of cannabinoids in sexual well-being.