Christie’s has announced the second offering of Trespassing, a groundbreaking online sale curated together with Ronnie K. Pirovino. The sale traces graffiti’s influence on contemporary art and embraces the energy and humour of artists inspired by the medium. In 2020, the inaugural sale set numerous world auction records for artists such as Katherine Bernhardt and KAWS and was 210% sold by value.
“We are thrilled to present the Trespassing sale again this summer, as the sale is a true multi-category collaborative effort with tremendous energy. We hope to again capture the interest of new and seasoned buyers globally with this mix of known and emerging artists and mediums.”
Lindsay Griffith, Head of Department, Prints and Multiples, New York

Estimate: $15,000-20,000
Trespassing will feature works across collecting categories by leading names such as KAWS, Banksy, and Invader and will also juxtapose works by Jonas Wood, George Condo and Allison Zuckerman that share the same dynamic spirit. The sale will also feature a selection of unique NFTs by artists including Mad Dog Jones, Olive Allen, Victor Mosquera, and Fvckrender, and will be the first time NFTs have been included in a multi-category online sale at Christie’s.

“We continue this year with a fresh take on our emerging culture. The ethos of innovation is supported by a thrilling mix of contemporary art and NFTs. Again, it’s an honour to partner with Christie’s on presenting such a crucial show with Trespassing 2.0.”
Ronnie K. Pirovino, Proprietor, Pirovino Projex.

Each Overall: 12 x 6 x 4 in. Executed in 2020. Published by Medicom Toy, Japan. Estimate: $2,000-3,000
Trespassing Sale 9th July 12:00 AM EDT Christies online: christies.com