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How hemp and cannabis seeds support your metabolic system?

When people think of cannabis, many immediately think of drugs and thus illegal intoxicants, the possession, purchase and sale of which is prohibited in the UK.

But with the rise of CBD cannabis and the new understanding of hemp benefits, you can now easily buy seeds on Sensoryseeds, one of the most reliable and legitimate online cannabis seeds store.

In some neighbouring countries the handling of cannabis seeds is still legal and anyone who buys there should make sure that they are not importing any potential intoxicants into the country, but only edible hemp. Edible hemp contains only minor amounts of tetrahydrocannabinol, and the seeds themselves have no intoxicating effects. The seeds of the edible hemp can come up with many other valuable ingredients:


  • Essential amino acids
  • Unsaturated fatty acids
  • Minerals
  • Vitamins
  • Fibre
  • Gamma-linolenic acid


Cannabis seeds are right for you

Hemp seeds are healthy, and they provide the body with many useful nutrients that it needs daily. These valuable substances support the body’s metabolism and ensure that the immune system is strengthened.

Even allergy sufferers can easily tolerate the hemp seeds, and regular consumption provides strength and endurance for everyday life. It increases well-being, and various dishes can be refined with the seeds of the edible hemp. Muesli, salads, desserts and bread can be enriched with small amounts of hemp seeds, and the small seeds are also a delicious snack to nibble on.

What do I have to look out for with cannabis seeds?

Even if hemp seeds do not naturally contain THC, they can come into contact with THC-containing components of the hemp plant during harvest and processing, which can slightly increase the THC content.


However, there are some methods by which the content can be controlled and reduced. A too high THC content is especially the case with cannabis teas or food supplements, as the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment reports.

Cannabis seed is the nut with the lowest calories

If you like the crunchy consistency of the seeds, you can choose the unpeeled version, which contains healthier fibre than the peeled version

Cannabis seeds are extremely valuable biologically

Hemp seeds are real power packs because they contain all eight amino acids found in the human body, which we should ideally take in through our food. Not bad, right!?

But the best is yet to come as the little protein bombs contain edestin. It is a protein that is similar to the globulin in our blood plasma and, according to studies, is even able to repair damage to our DNA.

And because the composition of the amino acids comes closest to the human DNA of all plants, it can be optimally absorbed by our body.

Besides, the protein contained in hemp seeds has an anti-inflammatory effect. It ensures that our immune system can regenerate faster and we can recover better after sport or other physically demanding activities.

Cannabis seeds to reach your desired weight

Hemp seeds are suitable for both weight gain and weight loss. Why? Quite simply: our body can regulate its weight better if it is provided with high-quality protein. And that’s what hemp seeds deliver.

But that’s not enough, because the protein bombs also contain valuable vitamins, minerals, fibre, chlorophyll and, above all, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Cannabis seeds supply our cardiovascular system as well as our skin and our brain with all of the essential fatty acids.

Incorporate cannabis seeds into your daily diet

The power plant is commercially available as seeds, powder and oil. When it comes to seeds, there is a difference between the peeled and unpeeled variants. The former is much crisper and contains more nutrients because of the skin that is still present. The peeled seeds are much more tender and are therefore in most cases, better suited for daily consumption.

Hemp Energy Bar recipe


Mix of almonds, walnuts and Brazil nuts (150 g in total), 50 g oat flakes, 200 g dates, 50 g protein chocolate, 3 tablespoons hemp seeds, 1 tablespoon coconut oil, 1 tablespoon maple syrup, a pinch of cinnamon, turmeric and salt.


  • Before starting, soak the almonds, walnuts and Brazil nuts overnight. The dates are also soaked half an hour before you make the dough
  • Cut the nuts and dates into small pieces, chop the chocolate into small pieces and mix all ingredients by hand

*Alternatively, you can save yourself the chopping and throw all the ingredients into a food processor, where they are mixed for ten seconds at the highest level

  • Shape the whole into a dough and place it in a cake or baking dish lined with greaseproof paper.
  • Press everything flat, put in the freezer for about an hour and enjoy

Cannabis seeds can be bought legally

You can buy hemp seeds in organic shops or health food stores, but there are also various ways to get valuable grains online. Not only is it allowed to own edible hemp, but again, under certain circumstances, to grow it.

However, it would be best if you had certified seeds and a written permit from the Chamber of Agriculture. Besides, the cultivation is complicated because the plant has high demands. Since the purchase of edible hemp seeds without significant THC content is legal and does not require any authorization, anyone in the UK can buy edible hemp for gentle metabolic support or order marijuana seeds online on SensorySeeds.com for collection purpose.



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