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Email Marketing and SEO: How They Affect Each Other

There was a time when all aspects of digital marketing were not intricately or even loosely connected to each other, but that is no longer the situation. It’s 2020, and every aspect of marketing is either directly or indirectly connected to one another, which includes offline marketing as well.

Therefore, it is necessary that we stake a closer look at the relationship that exists between email marketing and search engine optimization. The objective would be, of course, to note how they affect each other so that we can employ that knowledge for seeing better conversion rates from both angles.

Email Marketing and Qualified Traffic

The term “qualified” traffic refers to visitors who are actually interested in buying, or in other words, potential leads with at least some chance of converting. The right keyword strategy still plays the same role as they do in getting traffic from SERPs, but there are a few extra layers of filtering applied automatically when the same keywords manage to drive in traffic from email campaigns.

To understand this connection with better clarity, let’s go through the following points:

  • Random traffic from random SERPs will not usually give out email IDs to the website
  • Most people don’t open emails and click through to the landing page unless they are actually interested to a degree

Email Marketing Maximizes SEO Through Personalization and Direct Delivery

A proper email marketing strategy is one that takes personalization and customization into account so that each email can boost a keyword’s value infinitely for that specific customer/client. This is a very potent strategy which SEO or email cannot accomplish without the help of each other.

Email marketing helps SEO marketing reach its maximum potential, as the ideal keywords are identified, personalized and customized to suit the specific customers, and then delivered to their private inbox, creating a direct channel in between the customer and the business.

Simultaneously Implementing SEO and Email Marketing Campaigns Can be a Financial Obstacle

In order for the mutual benefits to be effective for a business, both SEO and email must be used simultaneously, not alternatively. Unfortunately, that is often a roadblock for smaller businesses with limited budgets.

Consider the situation where a well-known business email marketing platform such as Constant Contact would charge $20/500 contacts and they have no free options for even small businesses with minimum needs. Fortunately, there are Constant Contact competitors out there that actually don’t charge anything, unless the business begins to grow past the initial 500 contact limit. Even after that, they are bound to have more affordable pricing for medium – large scale establishments. One simply needs to be clever and find the right options that give them the best bang for their buck. 

Although this should be enough to provide a decent idea regarding how email and SEO are interconnected and mutually beneficial tools for marketing simultaneously, let us leave you with a final tip – if you manage to find yourself with an email that generated a lot of success, why not turn that SEO-content into web content for getting even more out of it?



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