FAD Magazine

FAD Magazine covers contemporary art – News, Exhibitions and Interviews reported on from London

FAD’s Art World VIP’s Guide to Venice with Collector Sylvain Levy

FAD only wants the best for you, and so we thought about who would really know their way around visiting Venice and concluded that it would be the people who visit the most frequently, the VIPs of the art world. We’ve been delighted to bring you recommendations from The Auctioneer, Nick Hough of Christies, The Curator, Kathleen Soriano, The Fair Director, Kate Bryan, the Super PR, Calum Sutton, The Collector, Alessandro Possati, The Gallerist, Jack Shaman The Artist Michael Petry and The Gallerist and Venetian Cristian Contini

Today we welcome VIP, The Collector Sylvain Levy

Sylvain Levy profile

Sylvain Levy, Co-Founder of the DSL Collection, is the owner of one of the most innovative art collections today challenging the definition of collecting in the digital age.

1. The best place I’ve ever stayed in Venice is ………


When I go to Venice I usually stay at the charming San Clemente Palace hotel located on the San Clemente Island and in the heart of the lagoon. The garden and pool are irresistible.

Dating back to the 17th century the historic grounds of the exclusive private island were originally a Camaldolesi monastery. San Clemente Palace hotel offers a unique location overseeing the Piazza San Marco, Giudecca and the Lido.

2. The best meal I’ve ever eaten in Venice was ……………

The absolute gem is Il Ridotto.

The name means “reduced” and the Michelin star restaurant represents exactly that. With only a limited number of tables, Il Ridotto offers exquisite seafood dishes in an intimate setting.

3. A thing someone visiting Venice for the biennale really shouldn’t miss…
Our exhibition at Palazzo Morosini by Zheng Guogu and Yangjiang Group, of course. The fusion of the best art from Guangdong province and Cantonese cuisine in a unique location will be an unforgettable experience.

My Teacher
Zheng Guogu is considered as one of the most respected Chinese artists of his generation, living and working in his remote hometown Yangjiang. Forming the Yangjiang Group together with Sun Qingling and Chen Zaiyan, ‘The Writings of Today are a promise of Tomorrow’ will showcase socially and politically charged Calligraphy and video work. Coinciding with the exhibition, the two Michelin-starred chef of Duddell’s will bring top dining experience to visitors, serving samples of the best Cantonese dishes. The vernissage is held today on May 7th and the exhibition will be open to the public from May 8th.



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