FAD Magazine

FAD Magazine covers contemporary art – News, Exhibitions and Interviews reported on from London

FAD’s Art World VIP’s Guide to Venice with artist Michael Petry

We all love the Venice Biennale, but if we’re being honest, we’d probably all admit that we haven’t always done it right. We’ve probably all had the experience of neglecting to make dinner reservations and ending up somewhere disappointing, or of choosing a random hotel off the internet and it being a bit grubby.

Like a proud mum, FAD only wants the best for you, and so we thought about who would really know their way around visiting Venice and concluded that it would be the people who visit the most frequently, the VIPs of the art world. We’ve been delighted to bring you recommendations from The Auctioneer, Nick Hough of Christies, The Curator, Kathleen Soriano, and The Fair Director, Kate Bryan, the Super PR, Calum Sutton, The Collector, Alessandro Possati (a real Venetian), and The Gallerist, Jack Shaman.

Today we’re welcoming: The Artist Michael Petry

Petry by TGS-466-A

Michael Petry is a multi-media artist, director of MOCA London, and co-founder of the Museum of Installation, London. He was born in El Paso, Texas, and has lived in London since 1981.

1. The best place I’ve ever stayed in Venice was…
in 1981 when I first came to Europe from the US – I slept on the beach at the Lido under the stars, perfect. I know the art is why you go to the Biennale but definitely give yourself a small break and go to the beach.

2. The best meal I’ve ever eaten in Venice was…
last year at the 50th Birthday party of my University friend, the architect Charles Renfro. He had a dinner party on the private terrace of the Peggy Guggenheim museum as the sun set on the canal, magic.

3. A thing someone visiting Venice for the biennale really shouldn’t miss is…
the Accademia Bridge, even if you do not have to go over it, do so. The wooden bridge is so different from all the others and the view is terrific, and very romantic.

Thanks Michael!



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