WEEK: 12th – 17th August
There are loads of art events such as private views, artists talks, and screenings happening around London, and often it is impossible to choose where to go and what to see. To help you with the choice Jenny Judova from Art Map London will be advising on what events seem worth attending during the week.
V&A, 6:30-7:30pm talk with Alexa Chung www.vam.ac.uk
Victoria and Albert Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL
EVENING TALK: Broadcaster, journalist, and fashion icon Alexa Chung talks to Alexandra Shulman, editor of British Vogue, about the influences and inspirations for her unique style.
The talk coincides with the launch of the paperback version of Alexa’s best-selling book, ‘It’, a collection of her writings, photographs, and drawings. The ticket price includes a free copy of the book.
£12, £10 concessions.
Dalston Superstore, 7pm private view Gary Russell ‘We Live in Our Dreams’
117 Kingsland High St, London E8 2PB
The remarkable collages of Gary Russell return to the walls of Dalston Superstore, this time for his biggest solo show to date. With a cut and a paste of monochrome paper, these imaginative pieces of work will take you on a folktale journey, through the forbidden gate, down to the woods, into your dreams and beyond.
Whilst attending the Cambridge School Of Art, Russell experimented with printing and the manipulation of paper. After graduating his creative digits were put aside, until a few years later when he took sanction in the medium of collage. That seemed to click and has succeeded ever since.
“We Live In Our Dreams” is a collection of original and re-worked pieces exploring the combination of mysticism and established imagination. Using a variety of black and white paper, photocopies, photographs and torn older works, these pieces will give a dramatic contrast to the ever-colorful atmosphere of Dalston Superstore.
The Chisenhale Gallery (offsite), 8-9:30pm Dusk Falls on Stereochron: the final field study
www.chisenhale.org.uk Crown Gate, Victoria Park, E9 5DU
On the evening of Vertumnalia, the ancient celebration of seasonal change, Cathy Haynes will present a final event and a manifesto for Stereochron Island followed by a performance by cellist Natalie Rozario, improvised to the sounds of dusk.
Stereochron Island re-imagines Victoria Park as a fictional island state campaigning to liberate itself from the mechanical clock. This research project by Cathy Haynes for her Chisenhale Gallery Victoria Park Residency 2013-14 investigates the devices we use to make sense of the world, such as clocks and time maps. Though a series of field studies led by specialists ranging from ecologists to astronomers, Haynes invites visitors to Stereochron Island to reconsider what time actually is.
FREE. Book here: http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/offsite-cathy-haynes-dusk-falls-on-stereochron-the-final-field-study-tickets-12222342355?aff=es2&rank=0
St Pancras Church Euston Rd London NW1 2BA
This is a multi-sensory / site- specific exhibition where the architecture of The Crypt Gallery space and our relationship to it has inspired the artist to create immersive environments of light, sound, temperature, scent and air. This exhibition is part of the practice based PhD program, entitled “Beyond the Physical Threshold; Enfolding the Ontology and Operation of Immersive Spaces”, which is sponsored by the University for the Creative Arts (UCA).
Serpentine Gallery, 3pm Saturday Walk with Leonor Serrano Ri www.serpentinegalleries.org
Kensington Gardens, London W2 3XA
A series of walks in and around the Serpentine Pavilion explores themes related to its design through conversation and performative interventions.
For this Saturday Walk, artist Leonor Serrano Rivas generates an immersive environment exploring suspense and suspension.
Unit 25a Regent Studios, 8 Andrews Road, London E8 4QN
Chew Crew looks at activities of food preparation and consumption, expression through cooking, and the energy and entropy of food. Urara Tsuchiya and Joseph Walsh are collaborating on a new film work, part of which was filmed at Transition earlier in the year during a short residency in the gallery. This work features a sensual chef and other characters, with handmade costumes referencing various foods and kitchen items. Diana Roig will show large scale immersive abstract paintings, and Mimei Thompson a new series of paintings.