1st December – 15th December 2013 Open Wednesday – Sunday, 12 – 6pm & by appointment
French Riviera 309 Bethnal Green Road London E2 6AH frenchriviera1988.com
Grand Magasin is a collaborative project for which Nat Breitenstein has invited a selection of artists and non-artists to contribute to an informal group exhibition about making things.
– with
Rupert Ackroyd, Daisy Addison, Paddy Austin, Amy Bird, Lily Buchanan, Harry Burden, Stuart Carey, Stephen Chambers, Will Cruickshank, Denise De Cordova, Ellen Mara De Wachter, Thomas Dozol, Kris Emmerson, Tom Ellis, Elinor Fahrman, Attilia Fattori Franchini, Jess Flood-Paddock, Gaia Fugazza, Seana Gavin, The Grantchester Pottery, Lynn Hatzius, Holly Hayward, Fabienne Hess, Euan Hinshelwood, Siân Hislop, Sarah Johns, Rebecca Johnson, Leslie Kulesh, Daniel Kelly, Melanie Levack, Samuel Levack and Jennifer Lewandowski, 7VWWVW, Alan McQuillan, One Minute Disco, Nicholas Pankhurst, Yuri Pattison, Florian Roithmayr, Phil Root, Giles Round, Anna Schwarz, Nicola Tassie, Emily Taylor, Cicely Travers, Kitty Travers, Jeremy Willett, Lucy Woodhouse.
Grand Magasin is a project developed through conversations between Nat Breitenstein and Samuel Levack and Jennifer Lewandowski at French Riviera where for two weeks in December, French Riviera will have its gallery space transformed into a store taking full advantage of its original shop front architecture. The project looks at and is promoting ‘objects’ for sale that are not necessarily artworks but that have been made by fine artists alongside other objects for sale made by designers and other types of ‘makers’. It is not a study of difference but rather of divergence. Overall the point of interest is the maker’s craft, transference of skills, definition and profitability. Everything in the ‘store’ is for sale and could be either a unique one-off piece or part of an edition from ceramic pots, furniture, wallpaper, prints, lamps, a cookbook, food, houseplants, bird’s nests, music, clothing, textiles, lingerie, perfume, etc. There are no defined limits as such and there may be pieces included that are artworks but that seem other than that, i.e. have a use value and/or functionality about them, or that tip their hat in that direction as well as having works by designers and makers with some that sit within or close to fine art. Formulating, installing and running the ‘store’ will be a fluid process that develops, changes and grows as it goes along. All in all it is an experimental project that leans towards playfulness but still retains theoretical and political undertones to do with production and value. The project runs for two weeks, the store opens on Sunday 1st December with events throughout. See website during the exhibition for further details.
- Alan McQuillan
- Amy Bird
- Anna Schwarz
- Attilia Fattori Franchini
- Cicely Travers
- Daisy Addison
- Daniel Kelly
- Denise De Cordova
- Elinor Fahrman
- Ellen Mara De Wachter
- Emily Taylor
- Euan Hinshelwood
- Fabienne Hess
- Florian Roithmayr
- French Riviera
- Gaia Fugazza
- Giles Round
- Harry Burden
- Holly Hayward
- Jess Flood-Paddock
- Kitty Travers
- Kris Emmerson
- Leslie Kulesh
- Lily Buchanan
- Lucy Woodhouse
- Lynn Hatzius
- Melanie Levack
- Nat Breitenstein
- Nicholas Pankhurst
- Nicola Tassie
- One Minute Disco
- Paddy Austin
- Phil Root
- Rebecca Johnson
- Rupert Ackroyd
- Samuel Levack and Jennifer Lewandowski
- Sarah Johns
- Seana Gavin
- Siân Hislop
- Stephen Chambers
- Stuart Carey
- The Grantchester Pottery
- Thomas Dozol
- Tom Ellis
- Yuri Pattison