FAD Magazine

FAD Magazine covers contemporary art – News, Exhibitions and Interviews reported on from London

Playable acrylic paintings ! From Brent Watanabe


‘For(){};‘ is a computer-controlled installation made up of three playable acrylic paintings mounted on the wall.
The projection mapped video game on canvas is controlled by the viewer using a NES controller.

It was created by the programmer and artist Brent Watanabe, who worked with the painter Cable Griffith to create an interactive landscape painting influenced by Hieronymus Bosch’s triptych ‘The Garden of Earthly Delights.’ The installation merges traditional materials and new technology. Watanabe describes the video game:

In for(){};, there is no beginning or end to the game, just collecting and wandering, birthing and consuming, an arbitrary point system rising until your inevitable death and the birth of another generation. It is a game mechanism without the game. An addictive but essentially aimless experience.

. Via:PSFK.com




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