FAD Magazine

FAD Magazine covers contemporary art – News, Exhibitions and Interviews reported on from London

Is this the end for Time ?


This Sunday passed artist Tom Pope set off on his way from Golden Square to CERN where he will bury Time. No one really knows what will happen when he drops his grandfather clock into the central point of the Large Hadron Collider but we’ll find out on April 25th 2012.


Tom Pope a fictitious character from a Douglas Adam Novel made real will meet with thinkers, theorists, scientists and the public to discuss the possible notion of living a life free of measured time while transporting time to CERN. These conversations will directly inform the photographic and moving image work that will be exhibited in a solo show on his return to London this September at George and Jørgen. Using Pope’s blog www.timebound.co.uk you will be able to track and record the progression of his journey, and the evolution of the idea of living a life free of measured time.



Recently graduating from the Royal College of Art, Pope was the winner of the Deutsche Bank Award in Art in 2011 for this proposed project: Time Bound.


Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.
Douglas Adams

More Royal College of Art News here



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