1 If you weren’t an artist, what else would you be?
A. A cherished cat.
2 Name 3 of your least favourite artists.
A. The three that label themselves artists.
3. Anytime, any place – which artist’s body would you most like to inhabit?
a. That’s too close to the bone.
4 What is your favourite ‘ism’?
a. Rude’ism – because it sounds like nude’ism, but a bit warmer.
5 What was the most intelligent thing that someone said or wrote about your work?
a. That ‘‘I’ am a complete genius’. I said that.
6. And the dumbest?
a. I couldn’t hear.
7 Which artists would you most like to rip off, sorry, I mean appropriate as a critique of originality and authorship?
a. The term ‘rip-off’ hhmmmm . . . Well, I’d say that ‘inspiration’ which is conscious ‘and’ unconscious. . . . . comes from anywhere at any time and has no fixed abode. I wouldn’t consciously copy anybody, which is what I think your asking . .
8 Do you care what your art costs? State your reasons!
A. I’m not really sure what you mean by ‘costs’.
I care what it costs me personally and socially cash and time-wise. Producing your own ideas and work is one of the most all-consuming things you can do. It’s lonely. It’s a brave act to stand out when you don’t ‘fit-in’ and make huge (personal) sacrifices.
That’s why most people work for someone else , in a room full of people they hate all day long!
9 What are the three big ideas that you would like your work to express?
a. An Idea – thrice times
10 Are you a political artist?
a. Depends who wants to shake my hand.
11 How do you start the process of making work?
a. By doing it – getting on with it.
12 What next?
a. A show next month in Notting Hill
13 If Moma and the Tate and the Pompidou wanted to acquire one of your works each, which would you want them to have?
a. I’m still stuck at question 12 . . . would there be a choice??
14 Complete the following sentence “Blessed art the artists, for they shall…… die – alone”
15 Complete the following sentence “Blessed are the curators, for they shall… hang together”
16 Complete the following sentence “Blessed are the art critics, for they shall…. have an opinion about it ”
17. What is your favourite cheese?
a. That from the moon.
18. What’s next for you?
Next month I have a show at Doyle Devere. Tomorrow. . . . is another day.
You can see Claire Parsons show ‘DISFIGURINES’ at The MAURICE EINHARDT NEU GALLERY (MEN) from Thursday 7th April 2011