FAD Magazine

FAD Magazine covers contemporary art – News, Exhibitions and Interviews reported on from London

Sousan Luqman answers FADs Questions

Sousan Luqman answers FADs Questions –

“I have been a practicing artist for the past 11 years. My work is quite eclectic; using a variety of mediums and tackling a variety of subjects. I always regarded art as a platform to air views and express opinions. My work has focused on issues that stem from cultural connections such as the language of politics, Orientalist art, and Islamic Geometric design. Recently I have produced work with an expressionist style-a diversion from the more serious subjects that have dominated my work practice.”

Apart from being a full-time artist, Sousan is also a lecturer in art at a London college.

1 If you weren’t an artist, what else would you be?

2 Name 3 of your least favourite artists.
Constable, Gainsborough, Renoir

3. Anytime, any place – which artist’s body would you most like to inhabit?
Doris Solcedo

4 What is your favourite ‘ism’?

5 What was the most intelligent thing that someone said or wrote about your work?
the work is a stimulant for thought

6. And the dumbest?
I haven’t had any dumb comments

7 Which artists would you most like to rip off, sorry, I mean appropriate as a critique of originality and authorship?
Louise Bouregois

8 Do you care what your art costs? State your reasons!
Yes, I can understand that artists have to make a living but when art becomes a commodity it becomes increasingly difficult for the general public to view art. Only a select few are able to purchase expensive pieces and therefore the art gets hidden away in private collections.

9 What are the three big ideas that you would like your work to express?
I tackle many subjects in my work but my recent installation is about politics, culture and the position of women in society.

10 Are you a political artist?

11 How do you start the process of making work?
I have realised that all my work is somehow connected even if it doesn’t tackle the same issues. Its like I have the foundations of the idea already laid for me to build on. I do some sketches and work on the computer but primarily I start experimenting staright away. I Lock myself up in the studio and work until I crack it.

12 What next?
Make more art and exibit.

13 If Moma and the Tate and the Pompidou wanted to acquire one of your works each, which would you want them to have?
‘Prophecies and Deceits’ , a large installation of 7 lighboxes.

14 Complete the following sentence “Blessed art the artists, for they shall……”continue to struggle

15 Complete the following sentence “Blessed are the curators, for they shall…” combine the right mix of artists to make a successful exhibition.

16 Complete the following sentence “Blessed are the art critics, for they shall….” continue to view things their way and only their way.

17. What is your favourite cheese?
Goats Cheese, that is a funny question?

18. What’s next for you?
Continue what I love doing.

See Work from Sousan Luqman HERE



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