FAD Magazine

FAD Magazine covers contemporary art – News, Exhibitions and Interviews reported on from London

New Gallery and First Art Opening NO:ID June 4th 6pm -10pm

NO:ID Gallery is a network of artists in East London with a common interest in fine and performance art, visual and acoustic. It is a transient gallery and a question about identity,art, and the (re)production of it.

They are opening a new exhibition space on 31 Commercial Road, Aldgate East. The space will present a fresh exhibition with a private view on every Thursday, 6pm to 9pm.
Exhibition hours are Friday to Sunday 1pm to 6pm. The motto of the gallery is Unknown Art / Constant Change.
Their first exhibition in the new space will show new screen print works from Janmaat based on collective ideas, showcasing the space and the concept and spanning two weeks.

There will be canvases, posters, t-shirts and bags. The artist will be present on the private view signing a limited edition of his works.

They are hosting a night “Be Your Own Art” Thursdays afterwards in Fresh Club next door. You must be art to gain admittance, and do not forget to bring NO ID.
NO:ID is sending out a weekly e-listing that connects over 4000 people interested in the arts – fine arts, performance arts, live music and politics, with a focus on East London.
Visit noidgallery.net for more.



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