FAD Magazine

FAD Magazine covers contemporary art – News, Exhibitions and Interviews reported on from London

Five Years, Ailleurs, closing event, Marcel Dinahet, Ron Haselden, Lizzie Hughes,Lucy Reynolds & Hugh Stoddart

Five Years, Ailleurs, closing event, Marcel Dinahet, Ron Haselden, Lizzie Hughes,
Lucy Reynolds & Hugh Stoddart, with reading from Not Shut Up ( http://notshutup.org ), 6.30pm, info: www.fiveyears.org.uk
Ailleurs Adverb (a) elsewhere, somewhere else.
Five artists, based in London and France, bring elsewhere here.
By means of sculptural intervention, drawing, film, video and spoken word performance, other real and
imaginary spaces inhabit the gallery; taking us from haunted landscapes, lost springs and absent voices, to
Las Vegas swimming pools and an East End sun.
Marcel Dinahet’s video traces his search for the source of a spring, lost in the forests of Brittany. In Ron
Haselden’s light drawing, the rays of a risen East End sun pierce the walls, to illuminate the gallery space
and intervene with the work of the other artists within, as its rays move across the space of the gallery with
passing time. In Lizzie Hughes’ drawing all the swimming pools of Las Vegas city limits are relocated to the
gallery wall, tracing a topography of sun worshippers in Google Earth. Old conflicts locked in the landscape
materialise and then fade away again in Lucy Reynolds’ slide piece, and those locked away find voice
outside in Hugh Stoddart and Sarah Leipciger’s readings of prisoners’ poems and stories.



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