FAD Magazine

FAD Magazine covers contemporary art – News, Exhibitions and Interviews reported on from London

Another New Art gallery in London !! Opening Night Thursday 16th

A new gallery is about to launch in Notting Hill this April dedicated to exhibiting the most celebrated and creative artists that have given birth to this exciting movement.
Thursday, the 16th of April for the evening launch event and special inaugural exhibition of London Miles Gallery.
The opening exhibition will showcase original and limited edition artworks from American cutting edge contemporary artists.

Something remarkable is happening in the art world…


Just below the surface of the ever changing art world, there is a new movement that is spreading like a virus through the many art schools and artists across the globe. A movement still quite unknown to many within the art market, yet widely accepted by its audience and peers. This movement has been splashed with the titles of Lowbrow, or Pop Surrealism and today includes many sub genres and techniques. The artists that have effectively captured the style of this emerging genre and the attention from dedicated collectors, can enjoy a competitive crowd, extensive lines at opening nights and sell out shows. There is genuinely something big going on and it’s just arrived in West London.

To give you some backup information lets start with the Wikipedia definition of the movement. Lowbrow is described as an underground visual art movement that arose in the Los Angeles, California, area in the late 1970s. Lowbrow is a widespread populist art movement with origins in the underground comic world, punk music, tattoo, hot-rod street culture, and other subcultures such as graffiti art. It is also often known by the name pop surrealism.

Lowbrow art often has a sense of humor – sometimes the humor is gleeful, impish, and or often a sarcastic or satirical comment.

The term Lowbrow was given by artist extraordinaire Robert Williams who happens to be the founder of JUXTAPOZ magazine, a publication specializing in this particularly art movement that is currently the second best selling art magazine in the U.S.A.

There is a high concentration of artists in California and Los Angeles, which is seemingly to be at the centre of the vortex. Today, across Europe and Asia art galleries are taking notice of the movement and devoting entire exhibitions to Lowbrow art. As well as art galleries, this movement has a large web and print following with many magazines, hundreds of art blogs and newspapers becoming educators and spreading the word.



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