FAD Magazine

FAD Magazine covers contemporary art – News, Exhibitions and Interviews reported on from London

Art Talk: Wednesday 25 February, 7pm Robert Mangold and Tim Marlow In Conversation

Four Color Frame Painting #5, 1984 Acrylic and black pencil on canvas 9′ 3 x 8′ 9″ (281.9 x 266.7 cm)
Photograph by Joerg Lohse, courtesy PaceWildenstein, New York© 2009 Robert Mangold / Artists Rights Society (ARS), NY / DACS, London

Robert Mangold and Tim Marlow In Conversation
American painter Robert Mangold and Tim Marlow, Director of Exhibitions at White Cube, will talk about Mangold’s work in Parasol unit’s galleries
£5 / £3 concessions



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