FAD Magazine

FAD Magazine covers contemporary art – News, Exhibitions and Interviews reported on from London

The Freeloaders Weekly (28.08.06 – 03.09.06)

Wednesday 30th August –Art North: Free live art event 6-7.30pm, Camden Art Centre, Arkwright Road.

Thursday 31st August –Art East: 1) Reception Space,17 Cremer Street, Film Screenings from 7pm.

Friday 1st September –Art East: 1) Cell Space Projects, group show, 6.30-9.30pm 2) Juan Delgardo at SPACE, the Triangle, Mare Street, 6.30-8.30pm 3) Laura White at Transition, 6-9pm, 25a Regents Studios. 4) Group show at Carter Presents…, 6.30-8.30pm, 25 Orsman Road, N1. 5) Mally Mallison & Shaun Doyle, Black Forest Ghetto, 6.30-10pm, live band at 8.30pm.Art South: All-day auction of Graham Hudson's work at Chelsea Space, Millbank 2pm-9pm.

Saturday 2nd September –Art East: 1) Future First History Last, 168a Victoria Park Road, E9, 6-9pm (then after-party at Tatemoss, 9-5am), 15 Marshsea Lane, SE15. More Info at TateMoss

Sunday 3rd September: Art West: Finnisage of 'Arcadia' at the Stables Gallery, Orleans House, Twickenham, 2.30-5.30pm, performances in abundance.XFSGBXThe Freeloaders Society of Great Britain 



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