After a few drinks at The Cod with Mark it was generally agreed that a bit of poetry on the FADblog would be a good thing. So here we go…!
They’re tough, the things you do not say,
those points you just let fade away.
Some can linger longer than others –
deceptions and the mind are not good brothers.
I wonder: is it best to let them pass or
draw attention to the snake in the grass?
You find a can of worms if you open the lid,
and if not? The worms writhe in your head.
Speak your mind, get it off your chest,
They say to shoot from the hip is best.
But when other people are involved
rifts are created that can’t be resolved.
Damned if you do and damned if you don’t
the point in question sits in your throat.
So, I guess you just have to make your choice:
hold your tongue or use your voice.
Amy D 2005