FAD Magazine

FAD Magazine covers contemporary art – News, Exhibitions and Interviews reported on from London

Nathan James interviewed by Hayden Kay

What is your name? How old are you?
Nathan James and I am 30 years old

What value do you think your art offers art?
I think my art is fun and playful while also being carefully and lovingly crafted. I think it reminds art of the beauty of quality hand craftsmanship.

If you were a shape which would you be?
I would be a square peg in a round hole.

If you could speak any language which would you choose?
French, to avoid the disappointed look I get when I tell people I’m Canadian and they ask me if I can speak it.

Can you quickly list five words that rhyme with paint?
saint, taint, faint, ain’t, quaint

Do you consider yourself to be an honest person?
Totally, for sure, yup…why, what have you heard?

Would you prefer to be loved or hated because of the art you produce?
I would have to say loved because I have a totally pathetic and irrational need to be liked by everyone.

Tell me something you like?

I like the Haribo I’m eating right now

Where do you work?
A studio in South East London

Ask yourself a question and answer it.
Ok, done.

You can personally witness the brilliance of Nathan James this very evening if you happen to be in New York, in a wonderful show 24/7 bought to you by Lyons Wier Gallery. If you’re not lucky enough to be present you can also view a selected collection of paintings on his website.





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