FAD Magazine

FAD Magazine covers contemporary art – News, Exhibitions and Interviews reported on from London

PV’s This Week

Tuesday April 10th -TONIGHT

Bearspace, Bea Denton, 6 – 9 pm info: www.thebear.tv/bearspace

Rokeby, Gideon Rubin, 6.30-8.30pm, info: http:// www.rokebygallery.com

Thursday April 12th

Chisenhale, Rosalind Nashashibi, 6.30-8.30pm, info: www.chisenhale.org.uk

William Ling, 100 Years of Fashion Illustration, 6-9pm, info: www.williamling.com

Bartletts, Output, James Brook, 6-9pm, info: http://www.bartlettsgallery.co.uk

Museum 52, Valerie Hegarty, View From Thanatopsis, 6-9pm, www.museum52.com

Fieldgate, New Life and the Dream Garden, group show, 6-9pm, (performance by Para-Site 7pm), info: www.fieldgategallery.com National Maritime Museum, Peter Saville in conversation with Lisa Le Feuvre, 6.30 – 8.00pm, info:http://www.nmm.ac.uk/server/show/conEvent.1634

Friday April 13th

Rockwell, 230 Dalston Lane, London E8 1LA, Isabel Young, The Exaltation of the Tamarin, 6.30-9.30pm

Paradise Row, Margarita Gluzberg, Funk of Terror into Psychic Bricks, 7-9pm, info: www.paradiserow.com

White Mischief, voodoo, black arts and new vaudeville, details here: www.whitemischief.info

T1+2, Hilary Koob-Sassen, 6-9pm, info: www.t12artspace.com

Five Years, Lucy Wood, You First, 6-9pm, Unit 66 6th Floor, Regent Studios, 8 Andrews Road, E8, info: www.fiveyears.org.uk

and (very nice) check out: www.lucywood.net

The End of the World, info: http://www.theendoftheworld.co.uk

The Flea Pit, Strange Attractor vs Disinformation + Prof_lofi and Mark Wastell + Jack Keenan

8:30pm London E2 7RG 020 7033 9986 www.thefleapit.com (donations accepted at the door)

i-cabin, Sebastian Craig, Notional Architectures, 6pm onwards, info: www.i-cabin.co.uk

And if you happen to be in Brighton:

Grey Area, Tearfully, group show, 6-9pm, info: thegrey-area.blogspot.com

And if you happen to be in Berlin:

Gallery Magnus Muller, The Re-distribution of the Sensible, curated by Warren Neidich

10 /12 , Weydinger Strasse, Berlin, 10178 6-9pm info: http://www.magnusmuller.com/

Saturday April 14th

Lewisham Pet-Tastic, 12-4pm, Lewisham High Street, info: http:www.peckhampet-tastic.com and http://www.spacestationsixtyfive.com

Fwd:Cult, Nolia's Gallery, cross-boundary live-art, puppets, performance, readings, sound art, music, 6-11pm,info: www.myspace.com/4wdcult

Bewteen Bridges, Charlotte Posenenske (1930-1985) Series DW (corrugated cardboard) 1967, 7-9pm, info: http:// www.betweenbridges.net

TURBOBRUT at The Horse & Groom Curtain Rd Shoreditch London EC2 from 7pm

And if you happen to be in Swansea:

LOCWS 3, site responsive artworks across the city, 10.00am All venues open, 2.30pm Performance by Zoe Walker and Neil Bromwich, Guildhall Rotunda, 6.30pm Launch reception & opening of Locws 3. Info: www.artacrossthecity.com

Thanks to Russell Herron



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