Beauxarts Tuesday 12th July Waynes photo’sBy Mark Westall • 10 August 2005 Share — DSCF3815Originally uploaded by FADLive.ZoeCategoriesNEWSTagsAuthor Mark WestallMark Westall is the Founder and Editor of FAD magazine - Related Posts Trending ArticlesThe Top 5 Art Exhibitions to see in London in February. Humour, glitching, portraits, algae and textiles.A Field for Ghosts: American Photography at Rijksmuseum American Photography at Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, is a chilling yet fascinating archive of the USA’s photographic history.Grenfell by Steve McQueen to be shown in six cities across the UK Over the next three years, Steve McQueen’s film installation Grenfell will be shown in public art galleries in six major…Paul’s Gallery of the Week: Alice Amati I knew Alice Amati from her previous roles – at Taymour Grahne, David Zwirner and Workplace – before she set…